The problem of params value transfer of formatter in echarts

topic description

In the example of the K diagram on the official Echarts website, params [0] .value [0] is the first data value, but when I copy the code over, params [0] .value [0] becomes the data subscript and params [0] .value [1] becomes the first data value. I copied the whole code directly, and all the functions can be realized, so here comes bug


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/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

formatter: function (params) {
var res = params[0].seriesName + " " + params[0].name;
res += "<br/> :" + params[0].value[0] + "  :" + params[0].value[3];
        res += "<br/>   : " + params[0].value[1] + "   : " + params[0].value[2];
        return res;

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


echarts version problem. For the higher version, you can change it to less than 3.6or change the code in formatter

is not only the params value, but also the first value of the array is subscript when rewriting the data view. Directly change the reference subscript and rewrite the data view
