How to put the Walking Lantern in the Table component of antd how to put the Carousel component

how should the Table component of antd put the walking lantern Carousel component

Today, when I placed pictures in Table, I found that there was more than one picture data given to me by the background, so I planned to use the walking lantern Carousel to put multiple pictures. But no matter how you put it, it can"t be displayed.

I wonder if it is because of two return problems

here is the related code

related codes

const loop = (data) => { => {
            return <div key="photo"><img src={item} width="200" height="350" alt="" ></img></div>

/* eslint-disable */
    const columns = [{
        title: "",
        dataIndex: "xcsj",
        key: "xcsj",
    }, {
        title: "",
        dataIndex: "zt",
        key: "zt",
    }, {
        title: "",
        dataIndex: "bz",
        key: "bz",
        width: 250,
    }, {
        title: "",
        dataIndex: "xczp",
        key: "xczp",
        render: (text, record) => {
            let zzqzps = record.xczp.split(",")
            // console.log(zzqzps)
            return zzqzps == "" ? <div key="xczp"></div> : <Carousel autoplay={true}>{loop(zzqzps)}</Carousel>


does anyone know how to change it? Solve


over the loop return ()

then it is recommended to add a div control width to the outside of the walking lantern assembly.

<div style={{width: 200}}>
    <Carousel autoplay={true}>{loop(zzqzps)}</Carousel>