Inside the iframe with sandbox, how to control the location jump in the top layer?

A.html contains an iframe, and is wrapped in sandbox, for example, < iframe width= "300" height= "250" sandbox= "allow-modals allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" src= "B.html" > < / iframe >, the code of this A.html page is uncontrollable. The code in B.html is controllable. What JS code can be used in B.html to make the location of outer A page jump automatically ? If you do not add sandbox, you can jump with, but the problem now is that there is a sandbox and an allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation attribute, which means that the user does something, such as clicking, before the top jumps. So:
one: what I need is an automatic jump, no artificial clicks, etc.
2: of course, if you don"t have to jump, you can automatically change the document of the top layer into the code I want.
3: if you use, you can"t be blocked by the browser.

this question can be answered for a fee. If Daniel can solve this problem, you can negotiate the code price privately.

finally, thank you all.


Hello, landlord, have you solved it?

I need some to talk about the price 57112848

when there is no sandbox

    if ( != window.self) { = window.location;