Antd Datepicker control forbids partial date

MonthPicker (month selection control) disables partial dates through disabledDate, but his return value is of type bool.
(currentDate: moment) = > boolean
emmmm, then I want to dynamically disable the selection of dates based on the given parameters, for example, if I give it to [1pc4, 6], it will be banned (January, April, June). If the code is implemented, I only know how to dynamically generate bool:
currentDate > moment ([2018jue 1]) & & currentDate < moment ([2018jue 2]) | | currentDate > moment ([2018jue 4]) & & currentDate < moment ([2018jue 5]) | | currentDate < moment ([2018jue 6])
& & currentDate < moment ([2018jue 7])
just contact antd, and ask the boss to point out
