Double free error occurred while free () dynamic array.

error "Error in `. / test": double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000011c6f30" occurred in free (Hk). I can"t see what went wrong.


void linalg::sp_Davidson(const char uplo, const SparseMatrix_COO& a, double* diagValsA, double* eigVecs, double* eigVals, int nroot, int p, double tol, int MaxCycle, int MaxSpace, std::ostream& os)
    int n = a.nRows(); // the size of matrix a
    // workspaces
    double* Vk = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * (n * MaxSpace));
    double* Wk = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * (n * MaxSpace));
    double* Hk = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * (MaxSpace * MaxSpace));
    double* Sk = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * (MaxSpace)); // eigenvals of Hk
    double* Sold = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * nroot);
    double* Q1 = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
    double* Q2 = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
    // generate initial guess Vk
    std::memset(Vk, 0, (sizeof(double) * n * p));
    for(int i = 0; i < p; PPi) Vk[i * n + i] = 1.0;
    // iterative diagonalization
    int ispace = p; // current subspace size
    int k = 0; // cycle count
    while(k < MaxCycle)
        os << "--> k: " << k << std::endl;
        // current space size
        os << "ispace: " << ispace << std::endl;
        // MGS(Vk)
        MGS(Vk, n, ispace);
        // compute W_k = A V_k, size: [n, ispace] = [n, n] * [n, ispace]
        sp_coosymm(uplo, a, Vk, ispace, Wk);
        // compute H_k = V_K^T A V_k = V_K^T W_k
        cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, ispace, ispace, n, 1.0, Vk, n, Wk, n, 0.0, Hk, ispace);
        // Sk, Hk = eig(Hk)
        LAPACKE_dsyevd(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, "V", "U", ispace, Hk, ispace, Sk);
        // compute eigenvecs eigVecs = Vk * Hk[:p], size: [n, p] = [n, ispace] * [ispace, p], Ritz approximations
        cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, n, p, ispace, 1.0, Vk, n, Hk, ispace, 0.0, eigVecs, n);
        double norm = 9999.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < p; PPj)
            // Q1 = Wk*Hk[j] - S[j]*Vk*Hk[j]
            // Q1 = Wk*Hk[j]
            cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, n, ispace, 1.0, Wk, n, (Hk + j * ispace), 1, 0.0, Q1, 1);
            // Q2 = Vk*Hk[j]
            cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, n, ispace, 1.0, Vk, n, (Hk + j * ispace), 1, 0.0, Q2, 1);
            // Q1 = - Sk[j]*Q2 + Q1
            cblas_daxpy(n, -Sk[j], Q2, 1, Q1, 1);
            // Q1 = Q1 / (Sk[j] - A[j][j])
            cblas_dscal(n, (Sk[j] - diagValsA[j]), Q1, 1);
            // V[:,ispace] = q1
            cblas_dcopy(n, Q1, 1, (Vk + n * ispace), 1);
            if(ispace >= MaxSpace) // restart
                ispace = p;
        // compute norm for n root
        // Sold = -Sk + Sold
        cblas_daxpy(nroot, -1.0, Sk, 1, Sold, 1);
        norm = cblas_dnrm2(nroot, Sold, 1);
        // Sold = Sk
        cblas_dcopy(nroot, Sk, 1, Sold, 1);
        if(norm < tol)
    if(k < MaxCycle)
        os << "------> convergence reached! <------" << std::endl;
        os << "--> nloop: " << k << std::endl;
        os << "------> unconverged! <------" << std::endl;
    cblas_dcopy(nroot, Sold, 1, eigVals, 1);

because the MaxSpace is relatively large, there will be no out-of-bounds problems in the process. So what"s wrong with the free of the Hk array?

Thank you for the answer.


check the returned value when allocating memory, otherwise how can you be sure that you have allocated it successfully?

    double* Vk = (double*)std::malloc(sizeof(double) * (n * MaxSpace));
    if(Vk && Wk && ...){