Easywechat 4.0How to scan the code to pay. The document only finds the usage of the notification after the payment is successful, but does not have how to call the scan payment.

easywechat 4.0How to scan the code to pay. The document only finds the usage of the notification after the scan payment is successful, but does not have

how to call the scan payment.

er. This is all written by myself
to generate QR codes are written by third-party libraries
in two ways

the first
generates a QR code for this address
the second
generates the QR code
through this pre-transaction link after generating the order (unified order API).

I extracted a sentence from easywechat document read carefully and understand (not read, understand + finish reading) Wechat official document Wechat open platform document;
it is obvious that you and carefully read the WeChat Pay document.
Wechat's document makes it clear issuing an order uniformly you can return the payment QR code link. All you need to do is to launch issue an order uniformly through easywechat , get the payment link, and find a library to generate the QR code
