Has anyone ever used the hook function of tp5? The lack of information on the Internet is appalling. How can I use it in this case?

is actually very simple. If anyone who has used tp3.2 and knows this requirement has the hook function before 3.2, I used to use it very comfortably, so I turned to 5.0, and I was also looking for ways to use it. I know that there is no hook. Now it is an event, and there is documentation, so I will write it as follows

protected static function init ()

        Ad::event("before_insert", function ($user) {
    Ad::event("before_update", function ($data) {


protected static function init()
        Ad::event("after_insert", function ($user) {
    Ad::event("after_update", function ($data) {

3.2after insert$dataidid5.0

< hr >

it was carried out, you just didn't realize it.
you should see

as soon as you dump.