About the bin file in the npm project

recently, when I looked at the vue-cli 2.9.0 source code, I saw that some instructions were defined in the vue file under the bin file

-sharp!/usr/bin/env node

  .usage("<command> [options]")
  .command("init", "generate a new project from a template")
  .command("list", "list available official templates")
  .command("build", "prototype a new project")

there are also vue-init, vue-list and other files in the bin folder.
I would like to ask why, after defining the init instruction in commander, you can type the vue init instruction on the command line to execute the code in vue-init. This is what kind of implementation principle, or npm did it for us.


what you should see is here and the corresponding source code


description in README

The commander will try to search the executables in the directory of the entry script (like. / examples/pm) with the name program-command, like pm-install, pm-search

you just look at the place where the command is received, and of course you don't know what vue init executes.

