JS page DIV scrolling jump problem, find a master to solve

Test page: http://www.sdchina.com/files/.

the sidebar of the amazeui used by DIV, ( http://amazeui.org/javascript.) cannot be located in the upper right corner (mobile navigation)

I would like to ask the great gods, what is the problem? How to solve the problem? If you can solve the problem, you can be paid, please contact


when the navigation on the mobile phone is turned on, the height of the body is limited to death, that is, the height of the current window, so you can't scroll!

the way to modify it is very simple

$("a.gotodiv").click(function() {
    var $self = $(this);
    $('.am-offcanvas').trigger('click'); //,
    setTimeout(function() {
        $("html, body").animate({
            scrollTop: $($self.attr("href")).offset().top + "px"
         }, {
             duration: 250,
             easing: "swing"
         }, 500);
        return false;