How to generate a random number based on the name entered

just a month after learning Mini Program, I want to do a test of Mini Program,
1, let the user enter the name;
2, and then convert the name to a numerical value;
3, set several arrays and find the corresponding array according to the converted values;
4, output the results of the corresponding array to the user.

I got stuck in the second step. I received the name entered by the user with input, and the result was Null.

  onLoad: function (options) { = wx.getStorageSync("name");
    this.setData({ name: });
    this.setData({ words: parseFloat( });

asked a friend at the front end, he said that it must be Null, because there is no number in the input name, and the method will not transfer the value.
1. Is there any other way to convert names into simple numbers? 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., it is convenient for me to find the corresponding content from the array;
2, is my idea of this implementation correct?


is it purple:

var str = '';
var newStr = str.split('').map(m=>{return m.charCodeAt(0)}).join('')