PHP Rabbitmq message queuing processes often hang up automatically

using the Yii2.0 framework, the server executes the following command directly to suspend the daemon normally. At that time, it often hangs up automatically after running for a few days

nohup /phpstudy/www/llq/yii queue/start & 

now a script has been written to let the system detect whether a process has failed in every minute. The script code is as follows

str=`ps -ef | grep queue/start`


if [[ "$str1" != "/phpstudy/www/llq/yii queue/start" ]];then
    nohup /phpstudy/www/llq/yii queue/start &
The problem with

is that the shell script executes to nohup / phpstudy/www/llq/yii queue/start & this line of code has no effect. Script permissions have been set to 777

can"t nohup be executed in ctontab?
is there any other way to suspend the daemon for rabbitmq?
