Array reassembly problem?

const List=[["a1","a2"],["b1","b2"]]

List is the data returned from the background. The length is not fixed, and the length of internal elements is not fixed. You want to combine it into the following format:

Program exited with status code of 0.
const res=[ [ "a1", "b1" ], [ "a1", "b2" ], [ "a2", "b1" ], [ "a2", "b2" ] ]

it has been going on for a long time. How can it be realized? Thank you.


const List=[['a1','a2'],['b1','b2']]

var ret = []
function f(i, temp) {
  if (i === List.length) {
    return ret.push([...temp])
  List[i].forEach(n => {
    temp[i] = n
    f(i + 1, temp)
f(0, [])

the condition that the length is not fixed is relatively broad, and the content of the example is too simple to know what kind of treatment you want to do.

const  = [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2', "b3"]]
 = []
for (let  = 0;  < .length; PP) {
    for (let  in []) {
        for (let  =  + 1;  < .length; PP) {
            for (let  in []) {
                .push([[][], [][]])

this thing is very difficult to understand, so I chose to use Chinese instead of writing notes
before I can explain clearly
