Are data analysis and data mining in the same direction?

I"m a senior, and I"m ready to look for a job. Have the ability to be a crawler intern and have recently been working towards a data analysis / data mining intern. After reading two books, "data Mining Concepts and Technologies" and "introduction to Statistical Learning: based on r language applications", sensory data mining, data analysis, and even artificial intelligence are similar, what do they have in common? Ask the seniors for directions


what we say here:

  • the position of data analysis is "data analyst", writing SQL, Python,R.
  • the position of data mining is "algorithm engineer", writing Java, Python.

data analysis and data mining are basically the same thing, which can be divided under data science. Specifically, there is not much difference, but the statement is different. As for the job requirements, it is just that different companies have different requirements when hiring people
