Php linked list Mongodb query?

db.categoryGoods.aggregate ([{$match: {categoryId:2841}


I spent the whole day yesterday, but it didn"t come out. Is there a php mongodb god to help translate the above mongodb command into the execution syntax of php?


$sortMap = [
            ['position'  => 1, 'goods._id' => 1],
            ['goods.volume'  => -1, 'goods._id' => 1],
            ['goods.payPrice'  => -1, 'goods._id' => 1],
            ['goods.payPrice'  => 1, 'goods._id' => 1],
            ['goods.commissionRate'  => -1, 'goods._id' => 1],
            ['goods.createTime'  => -1, 'goods._id' => 1],
        if ($activeId <= 0 || !in_array($sortType, array_keys($sortMap))) {
            return $res;
        $mongo = MongodbService::getInstance();
        $sort = $sortMap[$sortType];
        $offset = ($page -1) * $pageSize;
        $pipe = [
            ['$match'    => ['activeId' => intval($activeId)]],
            ['$lookup'   => ['from'  => 'goods', 'localField'=> 'goodsId', 'foreignField'=>'_id', 'as'=>'goods']],
            ['$project'  => ['_id'   => 0, 'goods' => 1, 'position' => 1]],
            ['$unwind'   => '$goods'],
            ['$sort'     => $sort],
            ['$skip'     => $offset],
            ['$limit'    => intval($pageSize)]
        $info = $mongo->selectDatabase('shopping')->selectCollection('activeGoods')->aggregate($pipe);
        foreach ($info as $value) {
            array_push($res['list'], $this->formatGoodsList($value["goods"]));

mongodb linked list query mongodb-$lookup
