Is the vue input component written correctly, as if it took a detour?

after writing several form pages, I found that encapsulating input seems to save code. Then I found some examples and wrote one myself, but something didn"t seem right. Please take a look at it for me

input component:
< template >

    <h5>{{ title }}</h5>
    <input :type="type" @input="$emit("update",keys,$" :value="value" name="" :id="id" :placeholder="placeholder" />

< / template >

< script >
export default {

name: "LiInput",
props: ["title","type","id","placeholder","keys","value"]

< / script >

parent component call:
< LiInput id= "age" placeholder= "Please enter the age" type= "number" title= "age" keys= "age": value= "age" @ update= "update" / >

data: of the parent component {

age: 18

parent component"s update method:
update: function (key,value) {

this.$data[key] = value;


the problem is that, in this way, I need to manually change the value of age. What should I do if I can modify age if I don"t need update?

uses .sync

parent component < LiInput: value.sync= "age" / >

Sub-component < input: value= "value" @ input= "$emit ('update:value',$" / >
