Why are there no producer-consumer and publish-subscribe patterns among the 23 design patterns?

23 design patterns, which are generally written as follows:

Design patterns are divided into three categories:
Creative patterns, with five types: factory method pattern, Abstract Factory pattern, Singleton pattern, Builder pattern, and prototype pattern.
there are 7 structural patterns: adapter mode, decorator mode, proxy mode, appearance mode, bridge mode, combination mode, and shared meta mode.
there are 11 behavioral patterns: policy mode, template method mode, observer mode, iterative sub-mode, responsibility chain mode, command mode, memo mode, state mode, visitor mode, intermediary mode, interpreter mode.
there are actually two types: concurrency mode and thread pool mode.

I often see producer-consumer mode and publish-subscribe mode . Why can"t I find it in 23 modes? They don"t belong to this system?


in a broad sense, it's all observer mode
