Is it feasible to handle async await errors in this way?

when using async await to further optimize asynchronous events, it also leaves us with some problems to deal with- error handling

most students seem to use try catch to deal with
in the async function, and then I wonder if I can make this kind of error easier and judge the success / failure of the request by the return value

// api.js
export const getRecordList = (params) => fetch(URL, params, "POST")
      // res { code: 200, data: { list: [...], total: 999}, msg: ""}
      // returntrue
      .then(res => || {})
      // return false
      .catch((err) => alert(err));

// RecordList.js
async getRecordList() {
    const { isLoading, searchParams } =;
    if (isLoading) return;
    // --  -- = true;
    const res = await API.getRecordList(searchParams);
    // res
    if (res) {
      // record
      const { list, total } = res; = list; = Math.ceil(total / PAGE_SIZE) || 1;
    } else {
      // ...
    } = false;
    // --  --

I think the above approach can also replace the try catch method, and it is clearer. I don"t know if it will work. Ask the bosses for advice


!(async function(){
  function test(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve('normal') : reject('error')
        }, 1000)  
  function to(promise){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        promise.then(re => resolve([null, re])).catch(err => resolve([err, null]))
  [err, re] = await to(test())
  console.log(err, re)

just return two parameters

there is a difference between logical handling and code exception catching of try catch .
what you do is if else conditional logic

Promise + try catch

 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        //if (res) {

call the method with .then () .catch ()
