What is the reason why Android uses temporary credentials to upload files to oss report 403?

I put the app for a period of time, and then choose to upload the file. The temporary credential is obtained by sending the request immediately. After testing, the generated credential can be uploaded in other languages, but Android is not available. There is no problem with restarting the app and starting the process again, that is, there will be a problem when the app is placed for a period of time.

Error Domain=com.aliyun.oss.serverError Code=-403 "(null)" UserInfo={__name=Error, HostId=hhh8888.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com, Message=The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records., OSSAccessKeyId=STS.NJCQ2oMeTvcUsRzRZvS38A3hE, Code=InvalidAccessKeyId, RequestId=5BCD8576488C304266B33F3A}