Vue reported an error in the chrome console. Which line does it look like?

A question is like a question, and an error is reported as shown in the figure

this kind of error, which line is it?


this is not a line error, it means that your preset data type does not match the data type used by the actual component. The precompiled file is run by the browser during vue development, so you cannot locate the error on which line of your source file. You can most locate the problem of which component of your source file.

you look very much like a child component and a parent component passing values. If there is a problem with the data type, you can change the data type

expected number and String types. You passed the array, so you reported an error. You can only search the next page value, to see if there are any problems with your value

vue.js there are two kinds of error reports. Your syntax error will not show the number of lines, but will only tell you which component reported an error;
and code errors will indicate the number of error lines;
however, this is a warning message, not an error.
reason for warning: when the
component passes a value, it is agreed that it can only be a string and number type, and then you give an array;
