The default paramsName for modal is' Why did record' change paramsName to'i' in delon.module.ts?

problem found while creating a new CRUD page. The I variable is used in the
edit.component.html template, so why change it to the I variable specifically? why not use the default record? As shown below:


table.js 145-149


this code is located in delon.module.ts
Please do not hesitate to comment on how to use ng-alain for the first time


edit can generate both modes and modeless. Modes need to be received using record, while modeless does not.

if you are in the mode, you will receive the data from the list page, but in most cases, the data in the list is not equal to the detail data, so you need to request to edit the complete data again, so you will use I to represent the complete data, while record is simply used to receive the intermediate storage variables passed when you initiate the mode.
