Php gets parameters on url

how do I get the parameters on the link?


-sharp is the beginning of the anchor tag, which cannot be sent to the backend, but can only be obtained through js and then passed to PHP for processing. The characters guided by

are misspelled. -sharp is followed by a fragment, usually an id name, and ? is followed by GET

reference parse_str method.

nginx is the

that cannot get the hash part.

use: parse_url to get all fields:

$url =' http://username:password@hostname/path?arg=value-sharpanchor';

print_r (parse_url ($url));



[scheme] => http
[host] => hostname
[user] => username
[pass] => password
[path] => /path
[query] => arg=value
[fragment] => anchor


if you just want to get some fields, you can use GET to get
