Wechat can't recognize the QR code by pressing the length of the small program.

according to the suggestions on the Internet, the code has been simplified and a picture has been made transparent

< image style= "height: 100% width: 100% src=: 0" src= " http://devimg.webf10.com/wech.; / >

< view >
< image src= " http://devimg.webf10.com/wech.; data-src= " http://devimg.webf10.com/wech.; bindtap= "previewImage" / >
< / view >


previewImage: function (e) {

var current = e.target.dataset.src;
  current: current,
  urls: [current]


however, there is still no option to pop up the QR code on the real machine. It"s just that the picture is getting bigger, so ask for a successful demo


Mini Program Li cannot recognize the QR code
