Node error memory overflow npm failed to start the project?

node error memory overflow npm failed to start the project

first, the project reports an error:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed-JavaScript heap out of memory

checked the memory leak when it was found and modified dev
dev: "nodemon-- max-old-space-size=8192 server/index.js"

in the configuration file.

after npm run dev starts the project, it displays
READY Server listening on
, but the browser access port is always loaded, for a long time,

restart after command+c stops the project. Error:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE Error: listen EADDRINUSE 3600
emmmm, port occupied,

kill starts the project after the process of taking up the port, which is still
READY Server listening on
, but the browser access port has been loaded for a long time,

the project is not very large. 8192 M is enough to start should be successful, but it just can"t be accessed. The small circle in the load keeps turning.

have any bosses encountered the same problem? ask for advice
