How to tell whether an element is in an array in vue?

how to determine whether the id of tzlist exists in read_id? If the id:3 of tzlist exists in read_id, delete class= "net".

how to achieve this?

the newlyweds can"t thank the newlyweds for asking for help.


is simple. Change the class of 11 lines of span to this: : class= "{net: read_id.indexOf ( =-1}"

pass the value value to isInArray and return ture by traversing tzlist. If false is returned, it does not exist.

function isInArray (arr,value) {

    for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; iPP){
        if(value === arr[i]){
            return true;
    return false;

    let aa = this.tzlist.find(c=>;
        // class xxx.
