Using array_filter function in thinkphp5

The array_filter function is used in

thinkphp5, and the second parameter is wrong. Ask the god how to modify it. Thank you

namespace app\controller;  
class Abs
    public function index(){
        function abc($value){
                return true;
                return false;

        $data = [
        return array_filter($data,"abc");

error report:
array_filter () expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function "abc" not found or invalid function name


is related to namespace. Just specify namespace.

return array_filter($data,'\app\controller\abc');

you can write this way

public function index(){

        $data = [
        return array_filter($data,function($value){
                return true;
                return false;

what is the specific error message?

the second parameter requires a callback function, which abc does not have
function abc ()
return true;
