Vue voice broadcast

how to turn the vue page to voice broadcast according to the text


searched the Internet and found that a Speak.js js plug-in can recognize the content into voice and play it out. The link is

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since I haven't used it specifically, I can only give you some suggestions on using third-party plug-ins in vue :
1. Put the third-party files in the static directory, such as
in / static/js , and introduce it in main.js ( requires this plug-in to support import syntax ). import test from "/ static/js/xxx.js"
3. Register on vue prototype : Vue.prototype.$speak = test (here $speak can be named by yourself)
4. When in use, you can get plug-ins registered on vue prototype through this.$speak .

The specific usage of

is similar to that of an article I wrote: Vue with clipboard.js to copy content to the clipboard by clicking the button

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I hope my answer will be helpful to you!

new Audio(