The introduction of vue to Amap always fails in import AMap.

when vue introduces Amap, he can"t import AMap undefined all the time. Dare to ask all the bosses how to solve it!

first of all, after I introduced amap.js, in index.html, I configured it in the webpack.base.conf.js file as follows:
module.exports = {

extensions: [".AMap"]

finally, import AMap from "AMap",
result is introduced into the component


how was introduced, can you paste the code

except for
1.extensions: ['AMap']
2. To use the script tag to introduce amap's js
, but also pay attention to the asynchronous problem, here I used to find on the Internet, the source of the async/await forgot.

window._polygon = [];//data
window._markerList = [];

import AMap from 'AMap';  

  async mounted() {
    this.c_center = [
      this.$route.query["lng"] || 121.099038,
      this.$route.query["lat"] || 31.578119

    await this.initMap();
  methods: {
    initMap() {
      let AMapUI = (this.AMapUI = window.AMapUI);
      let AMap = (this.AMap = window.AMap);//window
      let mapConfig = {
        zoom: 12,
        center: [121.099038, 31.578119], //
        crs: "EPSG3857",
        zooms: [10, 20],
        layers: [new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite(), new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet()],
        resizeEnable: true
      }; = new AMap.Map("amapContainer", mapConfig);

    addPlugin(map) {
      AMap.plugin(["AMap.ToolBar", "AMap.Scale", "AMap.MapType"], function() {
        map.addControl(new AMap.ToolBar());
        map.addControl(new AMap.Scale());
        map.addControl(new AMap.MapType());