What to do with Stream.of < Foo (1, "1") > return List


Stream passes in a set of numbers and then processes the output of other types

is equivalent to the following code:

List<Foo> fooList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer i: Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)) {
    fooList.add(new Foo(i, i.toString()));
return fooList;
class Foo(int i, String s){}

after searching, I didn"t find anything like this, usually the one with the same input and output.


problem solved
uses Stream.map (Function < T, R >) to handle.
integer is input , new Foo (integer, integer.toString ()) is output .

List < Foo > foos = Stream.of (1,2,3) .map (integer-> new Foo (integer, integer.toString (). Collect (Collectors.toList ());