PHP slow log

recently, we often have more than 502 cases online during the evening peak. After inquiry, there are indeed many full logs at the time of alarm, but we are a little confused after seeing the slow logs, as shown in figure


, slow logs are all in the 322 lines of code in composer"s classloader.php file, and this line of code just calls a function:

 * Scope isolated include.
 * Prevents access to $this/self from included files.
function includeFile($file)
    include $file;

so now I am a little confused, and we have deployed more than 10 sets online in parallel, and only 3 of them have this situation. The server load, ah, and so on are all normal, and there are no special cases such as soaring. I don"t know if you"ve ever met, ask for advice from the gods, and what kind of investigation ideas do you have?


it is possible that there are too many plug-ins in vendor. You can disable all dev plug-ins

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader