How can js's if.elseif be written in ternary expressions?

{{d.gid ==1 ? "layui-badge" : "layui-badge layui-bg-blue"}}

how to write if elseif else? with ternary expressions
the effect should be as follows

if(d.gid == 1) {
}elseif(d.gid == 2){
    "layui-badge layui-bg-blue"
}elseif(d.gid == 3){

d.gid === 1 ? 'layui-badge' : d.gid == 2 ? 'layui-badge layui-bg-blue' : d.gid == 3 ? 'xxxx' : 'xxxxx'

one condition if else or the ternary
two conditions if elseif else
three conditions switch

is it like this:
d.gid = 1? 'layui-badge': d.gid = = 2? 'layui-badge layui-bg-blue': d.gid = = 3? 'xxxx':' xxx'

short-circuit evaluation to write logical judgment is not recommended, after all, the main purpose of the code is to show people.

it's best to use switch

if it's Vue, dealing with it with a method doesn't look much better than writing it this way--

if I didn't forget to say.

it is obvious that ternary expressions should not be used here. Instead, switch should be used. Case. .

is it simple to write directly with a short circuit

(d.gid == 1 && 'layui-badge')||(d.gid == 2 && 'layui-badge layui-bg-blue')||(d.gid == 3 && 'XXX')||'XXXX'