V-contextmenu error ref undefined solution

report an error [Vue warn]: Error in directive contextmenu bind hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property"$refs" of undefined"

  <div :class="["box", theme]" v-contextmenu:contextmenu>
    <Tree :data="data1" @on-select-change="treeChange"></Tree>
  <v-contextmenu :theme="theme" ref="contextmenu">
  import Vue from "vue"
  import contentmenu from "v-contextmenu"
  import "v-contextmenu/dist/index.css"
  import Contextmenu from "v-contextmenu"
  import ContextmenuItem from "v-contextmenu"

Please don"t post the source address. I"ve gone through it many times. Thank you, bosses.


where did you write this.$refs? it seems that the this over there does not point to the vue instance
