How to customize how to transfer data to < Route/ > in react-router-dom

how do I pass data between components using the < Route/ > tag of react-router-dom ? (without using state machines such as redux)

data can be transmitted in this way when it is normal between the two components

getDataFromSub = (data) =>{

        <SubComponent setDataToParent={this.getDataFromSub}/>



but you can"t pass data like this after using the Route tag

        <Route path={"/get_data"} component={SubComponent} setDataToParent={this.getDataFromSub} />

  1. Url parameters : define a route in the form of /: id . You can use to get
  2. .
  3. Query parameters : add parameters to the route, such as / account?name=netflix , and get it yourself
  4. history.push (path, [state]) : push the second parameter can be transferred to any object, and it should be taken out in location.state
  5. .

you can use the query state method of router to pass parameters. It is important to note that query state will be lost after browser refresh
