Command is an instance of the CommandType class in the following code. Why can an instance of the class be inherited by the Help class?

in the following code, Command is an instance of the CommandType class. Why can an instance of the class be inherited by the Help class?

class CommandType (type):

def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
super(CommandType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs)
name = getattr(cls, name, cls.__name__.lower()) = name
if name != "command":
 commands[name] = cls

Command = CommandType ("Command", (object,), {" run": lambda self, args: None})

class Help ( Command ):

def run(self, args):
print("Available commands:\n")
names = list(commands)
padding = max([len(k) for k in names]) + 2
for k in sorted(names):
name = k.ljust(padding, " ")
doc = (commands[k].__doc__ or "").strip()
print(" %s%s" % (name, doc))
print("\nUse "%s <command> --help" for individual command help." % 