Facebook, Weibo, Jinri Toutiao and other app with a very large amount of data use what database?

what databases are used by app with a very large amount of data, such as facebook, Weibo, Jinri Toutiao and so on?
how to ensure access speed?


when the amount of data is so large, first of all, it must be sub-database, sub-table, and partition.
however, the subject may have a misunderstanding-"every time you open a website, the displayed content is queried through the database." in fact, there is a concept of Feed stream . If someone sends a status, his fans will be read from the database and sent to each fan's Feed queue. When more than N individuals send messages, they will send their status to their fans' Feed queue, so each fan will open their home page and read from their own Feed queue for display. The basic principle is that there are actually a lot of optimizations after a large amount of data, such as sending the status only to the Feed queue of active users.

this answer can be regarded as throwing a brick to attract jade. I hope it can help you.

1. Mysql, is most commonly used on the Internet in China. Of course, Mysql is open source, so if the team allows it, you can do secondary development by yourself
2, and there are non-relational databases that can be used with relational databases
