How does vuedraggable make the draggable on the left not sorted?


as shown in the figure, the draggable on the left can also be sorted now. I only hope that the draggable on the right can sort how to configure the request for help

< draggable v Merry model = "left_list": options= "{handle:".dargDiv",animation: 0SortSortRank True ghost" group: "description",disabled:drag1,ghostClass:" Murray}": move= "onMove" >

        <transition-group type="transition" :name=""flip-list"">
          <section v-for="(item,index) in left_list" :key="index" >
            <h3 class="dargDiv">{{}}</h3>
            <div class="row-fluid"> 
              <div class="tit">
                <input type="text" class="nav_input" :value="">
                <img src="../../assets/svg/delete.svg" alt="" class="delete">
                <img src="../../assets/images/move.png" alt="" class="move">
              <div v-html="item.html"></div>

leave a message with this problem, and then finish it
