How to set some elements not to be dragged in vuedraggable?

draggable is rendered as ul, but you want some li elements in ul to be draggable and some li elements not draggable. The
document only shows that setting attributes such as disabled;sort in option prevents the entire tag from being dragged, but there is no way to make child elements drag-and-drop-free.
is there any other way to split a ul into two ul if you want to realize that some child elements can be dragged and some cannot be dragged?


handle: the selector format is a simple css selector string, which makes the elements in the list unit that conform to the selector become a drag handle. Only by holding down the drag handle can the list unit drag
configure the handle according to the above. For example: handle:'.header'

Special note that filter is not recommended for filtering, because elements filtered by filter cannot be dragged. But elements that can be dragged can affect it.
it is recommended to use options: {draggable:'. Item-drag'} to set draggable elements, and draggable elements cannot be affected.

{group: {name:'card-config',put:'clone','pull':'clone'}, filter: '.undraggable' , sort:true} "

filter attribute: the css selection syntax can be set not to be dragged for this part of the element.

refer to the draggable attribute to achieve

dynamic modification. How to modify filter?

< draggable

            draggable = ".singlePerson"

means that you can only drag and drop the corresponding class selector. When you change the name of the class selector of an element, you can control that the element can not be dragged. Isn't it good
