Ask for advice on the understanding of self-executing function parameters?

(function($) {
    var list = $("content").children,
        len = list.length,
        begin = $("begin"),
        index = 0,
        interval = null;

    begin.onclick = function() {
        if (this.running) return;
        this.running = true;
        this.remain = 3000 + Math.random() * 5000;
        interval = setInterval(function() {
            if (begin.remain < 200) {
                begin.running = false;
                alert(": " + list[index].innerHTML);
            } else {
                list[index].className = "";
                list[(index + 1) % len].className = "current";
                index = PPindex % len;
                begin.remain -= 100;
        }, 100);

    var mm = 3;

    window.fn = function() {
    mm += 3;

})(function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id)

I saw such a code about the lucky draw on the Internet. I still want to give some advice on what I don"t understand. Here is my understanding. If my understanding is wrong, I hope I can give you a lot of advice. Thank you!

it is known that this is a self-executing function, and the argument of the function is the function at the other end.
so is the parameter $ in the self-executing function related to the $ that gets the element in the specific code (for example: $("begin") )

in addition, this in begin.onclick should point to begin (that is, $("begin") ), so how to understand this.running , this.remain , running and remain on begin prototype?


  1. first determine the type and direction of $:

    window.sf = ''; = '';

this ends.
