How to click the current check box of the element table to get the currently checked row of data

is when I select the check box to get the data of the row of this check box, which is equivalent to scope.row. I checked the official documents, and their check box event is to get all the selected check boxes, but I just click on which check box to get which data. I don"t need the other selected data


the requirement is to click a check box, get the data of this check box and send it to the backend, similar to clicking the add button, it is the same to send data to the background, but I can"t get the current row of data now. What should I do? Thank you, bosses!


cache selection in selection-change callback. You can get the new data by judging the last cached data

handleSelectionChange(val) {
  let n = val.filter(item => !this.multipleSelection.includes(item));
  console.log(n); //
  this.multipleSelection = val;

use select ?
