The backstage gave me an address, some of which don't understand.

/ administartor/user/list/ {pageSize} / {pageNum} / {orderField}
this is the last orderField given to me by the backstage URL, he said, pass id DESC
and then I Baidu is the descending order in SQL.
so what should I pass on this


the definition of this route is too problematic. In most cases, PageSize is fixed. PageNum and orderFeild are not fixed, and PageNum still has a default value.
instead of using URI stitching as an interface, you should use queryString to pass parameters to achieve Filter effect.

  • / administartor/user/list/15/1/id%20desc
  • / administartor/user/list/15/1/id+desc
  • / administartor/user/list/15/1/id_desc

all three are possible.

you send him a / administartor/user/list/99999999999/1/id%20DESC;%20Drop%20table%20user;
