\ think\ Image::open the problem with opening the picture

I use TP5 to generate posters. User response card, so I tested it myself. The code is as follows

$start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$imageObj = \think\Image::open(ROOT_PATH."public/white.png");
echo $start."<br>".date("Y-m-d H:i:s");die;

Open the browser, open two windows, and access the method of the above section. The two windows are a few seconds apart. See the results. I"m confused.


regardless of the interval between my two windows (less than 20 seconds), the time of the second window is always recorded after the end of the first window.
in my opinion, even if open is blocked, start should start recording and wait for the first result to be returned. Wait another 20 seconds to return the result.
ask for advice from the great gods.


do you mean that the second window is the second window that starts loading after the first window opens and ends?
