How php GET receives Chinese variable names

recently encountered a problem. The url submitted by a program is as follows:

api.php? Token = xxxx

but I can"t receive it with $_ GET ["token"] on the php page. Do I need to encode it?

I var_dump ($_ GET), but I can see that array (1) {["token"] = > string (3) "111"}

how do I receive variable names in Chinese?


or try using I?

  1. var_dump is "access token", while the previous one is "token". Are you sure there is no mistake?
  2. Chinese is strongly not recommended

No problem


may have something to do with the encoding of your api.php file itself. Try saving it as utf8 code.

Encoding problem, see what code the other party has, and then transfer it to receive it. Of course, PHP supports Chinese variables, because the bottom layer is unicode,. You can use Arabic even if you look at those front-end encryption experts. You can directly do encryption by an Arabic programmer, who says you can't use Chinese
