The vue element form has its own full check box and the self-implemented multi-check box full select button.

use Vue + Element to make a complicated table, but when you turn the page, the bottom all is selected or selected, how to turn the page so that it is the same as the top display?

<el-table  ref="multipleTable" :data="tableData.slice((currentPage - 1) * pagesize,currentPage * pagesize)" border :row-key="getRowKeys" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange">
    <el-table-column type="selection" :reserve-selection="true" width="55"> </el-table-column>
    <el-table-column prop="number" label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label="/"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column prop="tag" label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column prop="sort" label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label="SKU"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column prop="sale" label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label=""></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column label=""></el-table-column>
    :page-sizes="[5, 10, 20, 30, 40]"
    layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
    <div class="left-side">
        <el-checkbox :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" @change="handleCheckAllChange"></el-checkbox>
        <el-select v-model="value" placeholder="" class="select-input"></el-option>
        <el-button size="mini" @click="onSubmit"></el-button>
    return {
        checkAll: false,
        isIndeterminate: false,
        multipleSelection: [],
        tableData: [],
        currentPage: 1,
        pagesize: 10,
        page: 1
methods: {
    getRowKeys(row) {
        return row.number
    handleSelectionChange(val) {
        let vlength = val.length
        this.multipleSelection = val
        this.checkAll = vlength === this.pagesize
        this.isIndeterminate = vlength > 0 && vlength < this.pagesize
    handleCheckAllChange() {
        this.isIndeterminate = false
    handleSizeChange(psize) {
        this.pagesize = psize
    handleCurrentChange(cpage) {
        this.currentPage = cpage

just when you turn the page, the bottom all or the selected state, how to turn the page so that it is the same as the top display?


this requirement can be easily implemented with computational attributes

key Code

 computed: {
      return this.multipleSelection.length &&  this.multipleSelection.length < this.tableData3.length
    checked: {
      get() {
        return this.multipleSelection.length === this.tableData3.length
      set(val) {


however, I found a problem: < el-checkbox: indeterminate= "isIndeterminate" @ change= "handleCheckAllChange" v modelling = "checkAll" > all < / el-checkbox > I forgot the attribute vMube modelling = "checkAll". After that, it solved my problem perfectly.

if this paging is done in the background, can you still achieve this function? If you can, can you tell me what to think?
