A floating box pops up immediately after selecting a value of option

topic description

el-select selects an option value and immediately pops up a floating box

< div class= "dl-dt" > Type selection: < / div >

      <div class="dl-dd">
        <el-select v-model="feildData.visit_type">
          <el-option value="1" label="" key="1"></el-option>
          <el-option value="2" label="" key="2"></el-option>
          <el-option value="3" label="" key="3"></el-option>

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

actual code



  1. use vue's watch to listen to feildData.visit_type
  vue element UI el-select selection box triggers an event (one for each selection)  

write the method in methods (such as alert)
