[vuex] unknown action type: getFarmInfo

topic description

[vuex] unknown action type: getFarmInfo

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

<div class="p-3 text-center">
        <img :src="$utils.getImage(farmInfo.org_images, 80)" alt="" class="account-img">
        <h5 class="account-name">{{farmInfo.farm_name}}</h5>
        <p class="text-muted" v-show="farmInfo.tax_no">

</div> computed: { farmInfo() { return this.$store.getters.farmInfo } }, created() { this.$store.dispatch("getFarmInfo") },

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

report this error [vuex] unknown action type: getFarmInfo


do you have this getFarmInfo method in your actions ?

clipboard.png, does anyone know what's going on, and why this id is [object Object]
