What is the relationship between the three pictures of the eventloop of nodejs and the eventloop of the browser?

eventloop about ndejs see a picture like this?
means that you don"t understand what it means, and it is divided into different stages






the second and third pictures probably understand what eventloop does, but I was confused when I saw the first one. Several big factory interviews this year basically asked for the first picture, and my fake front end was a burst of shame.


the first picture is that node.js divides the event cycle into six different stages. For example, the first timers phase mainly deals with the callbacks of setTimeOut () and setInterval (). For this detail, I suggest you check the different stages of the node event cycle online.
the second yellow is the event loop mechanism of the browser-side eventloop
the third node. The asynchronous tasks in node may be divided into more, for example, there are some

such as I fs read and write.