Iframe is cross-domain. There is no way to get iframe sub-page elements.

for example, my own website www.aaa.com, uses iframe to introduce www.bb.com (other people"s websites, which I can"t control).
can you get this?


The influence of

homologous policy cannot be realized at the front end. If you can manipulate the elements of a child page casually, it will be very dangerous for the pages in iframe .

if you really want to manipulate the elements in iframe , try using the nginx agent to implement


method one

write your page configuration and proxy forwarding configuration in a server , distinguish between different location , so that their domain names are the same, and there is no cross-domain problem. In this way, if you want to adjust the access path of the static problem of the proxy page, the example will not give


method two

write two server and server1 assuming the domain name is aaa.xxx.com and act as a proxy. When returning, insert a js code to modify domain=xxx.com , server2 assume the domain name is bbb.xxx.com , use it as your page, and set domain=xxx.com in front of the page.

here's an example: aaa.xxx.com Agent www.qq.com , bbb.xxx.com iframe reference aaa.xxx.com , and get the element

of iframe

first is server configuration

of nginx
server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  aaa.xxx.com;

    location / {
        proxy_pass  https://www.qq.com/;
        proxy_set_header Host www.qq.com;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

        -sharp (:)
        proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding '';

        -sharp  JS  --with-http_sub_module 
        sub_filter '</head>' '</head><script>document.domain = \'xxx.com\';</script>';
        sub_filter_once off;   
server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  bbb.xxx.com;
    root /home/www/bbb.xxx.com;

    location / {

then write a test code / home/www/bbb.xxx.com/index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <iframe style="width: 100%;height: 100%" id="iframe" src="http://aaa.xxx.com"></iframe>
  document.domain = 'xxx.com';
  var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
  iframe.onload = function(){
    //  iframe  id  sosobar 
    console.log('iframe', iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('sosobar'));

start Nginx , visit bbb.xxx.com to view the results


as you can see, iframe has achieved cross-domain implementation, but in doing so, some problems cannot be ignored

  • https question
  • site has detection code
  • JS , CSS , png loaded through independent domain names, may have cross-domain or permission problems
  • changed domain so that some resources cannot be obtained

ps:, if you have a good solution, you are welcome to share
