Maven jar packet conflict problem

maven depends on jar package conflict: the project depends on version 1.0 of C and B depends on version 1.1 of C, neither can be used without 1.0. 1.1C cannot be used without 1.1C, 1.0B cannot be used without 1.1B, that is, neither exclusion, can be configured in An or B nor the C version can be specified directly. How to solve this situation? What other solutions are there for
to use a version that happens to be compatible with both versions besides using neither 1.0 nor 1.1?


A rises to rely on C1.1 version or B drops to rely on C1.0 version?

No, it is generally downwards compatible. Upgrade project A to C 1.1. What is the specific reason why it cannot be used? directly fix

found a compatible version. However, if you want to know how to deal with the ultimate problem of

if you can't find a compatible version, you can use class isolation loading to solve it, but in general, there is no need for such a hassle, there will be a compatible version. Please refer to
