Solving the python simhash function to solve the problem

the following is a simhash algorithm implemented by python. The current problem with Xiao Sheng is that I can"t understand the following code.
ask the great god to help me with the answer where I marked it.

-sharp coding=utf-8
class simhash:
    def __init__(self, tokens="", hashbits=128):
        self.hashbits = hashbits
        self.hash = self.simhash(tokens);

    -sharp toString
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.hash)

    -sharp simhash
    def simhash(self, tokens):
        v = [0] * self.hashbits
        for t in [self._string_hash(x) for x in tokens]:  -sharp ttokenhash
            **for i in range(self.hashbits):-sharp---------
                bitmask = 1 << i  -sharp
                if t & bitmask:
                    v[i] += 1  -sharp bit1,+1  --
                    v[i] -= 1  -sharp ,-1
        fingerprint = 0
        for i in range(self.hashbits):
            if v[i] >= 0:
                fingerprint += 1 << i -sharp--
        return fingerprint  -sharp fingerprint>=0**
    def hamming_distance(self, other):
        x = (self.hash ^ other.hash) & ((1 << self.hashbits) - 1)
        tot = 0;
        while x:
            tot += 1
            x &= x - 1
        return tot

    def similarity(self, other):
        a = float(self.hash)
        b = float(other.hash)
        if a > b:
            return b / a
            return a / b

    -sharp sourcehash   (Python)
    def _string_hash(self, source):  -sharp----------
        if source == "":
            return 0
            x = ord(source[0]) << 7 -sharp--
            m = 1000003
            mask = 2 ** self.hashbits - 1
            for c in source:
                x = ((x * m) ^ ord(c)) & mask
            x ^= len(source)
            if x == -1:
                x = -2
            return x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = "This is a test string for testing"
    hash1 = simhash(s.split())-sharp

    s = "This is a test string for testing also"
    hash2 = simhash(s.split())

    s = "nai nai ge xiong cao"
    hash3 = simhash(s.split())

    print(hash1.hamming_distance(hash2), "   ", hash1.similarity(hash2))
    print(hash1.hamming_distance(hash3), "   ", hash1.similarity(hash3))

simhash algorithm can be roughly divided into these steps: word segmentation, hash, weighting, merging, dimensionality reduction. Combine these steps to interpret the code.
1 participle, that is, the split in the code is classified by spaces
2 hash, and the hash value of each word in the previous step is calculated, which is the _ string_hash method (the values of x and m in the method should both belong to the parameters of the hash algorithm and have little to do with simhash itself). The hash value calculated here is a 128bit integer
3 weighted, which weighs the hash value of each participle. Here the weight takes the number of occurrence of the word, and the corresponding bit is 1 plus 1. Merge if 0 is minus 1
4, and merge the weighted values of all participles, that is, simply add
5 to reduce dimensionality. If the value is greater than 0, it will be recorded as 1, and if it is less than 0, it will be recorded as 0

. In the

code, instead of strictly following the steps of 3Personality 4 and 5, the three steps are done together:

    def simhash(self, tokens):
        v = [0] * self.hashbits
        for t in [self._string_hash(x) for x in tokens]:  -sharp hash
            **for i in range(self.hashbits): -sharp hash
                bitmask = 1 << i  -sharp 
                if t & bitmask: -sharp ti1
                    v[i] += 1  -sharp 
                    v[i] -= 1  -sharp 
        fingerprint = 0
        for i in range(self.hashbits):
            if v[i] >= 0: -sharp 
                fingerprint += 1 << i -sharp vvfingerprintv
        return fingerprint  -sharp fingerprint>=0**