Why do I add header information to the hedaers field of ajax? it still doesn't work.

the following code. I added the header information to the headers field of ajax. The data returned by the background still says that the invalid referer, is invalid referer

function request() {
    var url = "https://c.y.qq.com/qzone/fcg-bin/fcg_ucc_getcdinfo_byids_cp.fcg?type=1&json=1&utf8=1&onlysong=0&disstid=1471714611&format=jsonp&g_tk=5381&loginUin=0&hostUin=0&format=jsonp&inCharset=utf8&outCharset=utf-8&notice=0&platform=yqq&needNewCode=0";
        url: url,
        type: "get",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: "jsonpCallback",
        headers: {
            "Referer": "https://c.y.qq.com/",
            "Host": "c.y.qq.com"
        success: function(data) {

request();   // 

this is what browsers do. It has nothing to do with jquery. Your settings won't work.
it is recommended to write a background as an agent to request.
