Why does elementUI always have one more choice file?

there is an extra button for selecting files , but the code of the official website is different from that of the official website. The console shows a line of code
. I set . El-upload__input {display: none;} but still show this why?
uses this first example http://element-cn.eleme.io/-sharp/...

<input type="file" name="file" multiple="multiple" class="el-upload__input">

fileList [0] take the first

you have used someone else's component, why add a input [file] ?

either use his or implement it yourself. Don't write both

who can help me.

.el-upload {
input [type= "file"] {

display: none !important;

.el-upload__input {
display: none;

was it resolved later? I have the same problem.

set input [type= "file"] {

display: none


I have also encountered this problem. Have you solved it?
